Friday 30 September 2011

I love this little poem. It came to me in a rush one day completly formed, and complete. It matches my mind perfectly. Scambled.

Are you really afraid,

Perhaps you should have stayed

At home

Completely alone.

You look as though you’re disturbed,

By something you may have heard.

Or perhaps seen

What could have been.

Fear comes in all shapes and sizes,

Depending on just what arises.

Look at what has passed

The history you have amassed.

You really should stay at home,

By yourself completely alone.

Thursday 29 September 2011

I wrote this at the time of the first gulf war. My brother was serving out there, and I felt the need to take up pen and write. You could say it's a little bit twee, but my heart was in the right place.

How many times do we have to fight,

To show the world what’s wrong and what’s right.

Most problems are caused by dictators and madmen,

We must stand our ground until we defeat them.

The worst things are done in the name of religion,

It can make rational people make stupid decisions.

The gods and the prophets would say end the fighting,

And most people know that’s the right thing

to do for the sake of our children and wives,

To stop the fighting would save so many lives.

Most people can tell you what’s right and what’s wrong,

We need to have courage, stand up and be strong. 

Wednesday 28 September 2011


I was feeling extremly low at the time of writing this poem. My days were nearly as dark. Those were the days.

Dark nights have been mine of late

Black dreams of death murder and hate,

Some hark back to things that have been

Others more abstract, hardly know what they mean,

But darkness pervades them, darkness and blood

Fear of death, terror of life, nothing understood.

Facebook. (the perils of)

My wife is addicted to face book

And so I am out of luck,

She learns of all the dirt and the muck

She will soon come really unstuck,

She got me by hook

Or by crook,

To finally take a look,

Suddenly oh fuck

She’s got me addicted to face book.

White van man.

The white van man

Drives as fast as he can,

He sees himself as a bit of a hero

But everyone knows he’s really a zero,

Its probably because of rejection

You see he cant get himself a proper erection.

Oh white van man

Keeps going fast as he can,

When you next see take any bets

That driving is the only pleasure he gets,

So when he next overtakes you take courage

You know his knob is the size of a cocktail sausage.

A childrens story. The Candlesnuffer fairy.

This candle snuffer is owned by a fairy that lives in a very large house. It’s his job to go around each night and extinguish all of the candles in the house after the humans have gone to bed. It was an important job as candles are expensive to buy.

 The fairy was in love with a lovely fairy who worked in the kitchens tidying up every night when the humans have finished in there. But he was too frightened to talk to her, he was afraid she wouldn’t love him back and so he went on doing his job snuffing out the candles and loved her from afar.   

 One night on the twenty fourth of December he was working at his job putting out the candles on the Christmas tree when the door was gently opened and the object of his desire came in asking him.

 ‘Oh please sir don’t put out the candles yet I’ve come up from the kitchen just to see them’ he went back relighting the candles he had put out before asking her.

 ‘Do you like Christmas?’

 ‘Oh yes I’m very much looking forward to it are you?’

 ‘Yes indeed the family really look after me at Christmas, they each leave out a shiny sixpence on the mantelpiece for me to find‘.

 ‘Oh and me I always get given a silver thimble’ this short conversation boosted his confidence and he asked.

 ‘Would you like to come round with me and help me to put out the candles all around the house?’

 ‘I would love to’ she replied and so they went all around the house talking and laughing like old friends. All too soon however the candles had all been snuffed out so he walked her back to the kitchen cupboard where she slept. They talked for ages until the early hours when he decided he needed to go back to his home in the airing cupboard where he slept and he said.

 ‘Well I’ve had a wonderful time but I really must be off to bed now’

 ‘Yes we must, we have to get up early tomorrow to get our Christmas presents‘. He hated to leave so he asked her.

 ‘Would you like to spend tomorrow with me? get our Christmas presents together’.

 ‘I would very much’ and so they spent that Christmas day together and were married the next spring by a rooster who lived on home farm. They had lots of children. The house became happier than it had been in years and so everyone was content.